Top 7 Woolpert + Google Solutions You Didn’t Know Could Help Your Business
Monday, July 11th, 2016 By Woolpert Labs cool things, fresh ideasThe partnership we have with Google offers a slew of solutions that may not seem obvious at first but are extremely useful once discovered. So let’s shed some light on the freshest and most useful applications of this Google Maps for Work technology combined with our rich, geospatial history and expertise.
Live from Esri DevSummit 2016
Wednesday, March 9th, 2016 By Woolpert Labs fresh ideasI’m back in Palm Springs for the 11th Esri Developer Summit! I believe this is my eighth time attending. As I have done for the past couple of years, I will update this post daily with the highlights of the day. But first, a little jealousy-inducing picture I took this morning while hiking the Skyline […]
Live from Visual Studio Live 2016
Thursday, February 18th, 2016 By Woolpert Labs cool thingsPost by Mark Millman Visual Studio Live! 2016 Visual Studio: Everywhere for Everyone and Everything That’s what I’m calling it: Visual Studio and SQL Server on Linux and Cross-Platform development for Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android platforms. I use Eclipse, NetBeans, JDeveloper, and Visual Studio and hands-down, no question about it, nothing compares to Visual […]
Renaissance: Your Other Option Alongside UAS
Wednesday, January 27th, 2016 By Woolpert Labs cool things, fresh ideasSome people claim that you can’t mimic imagery from an unmanned aerial system (UAS). Although we’re experienced with the immense power of UAS, we’ll have to disagree to a certain extent.